FB Academy Articles scientifiques

Une collection d’études examinées par des pairs concernant Lumiheal® et Kleresca® sont disponibles ici, y compris des résumés des présentations de conférences et des articles publiés, prouvant les bénéfices de la FLE dans le traitement de différentes affections


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Edge, D. et al. 2020. Biophotonic therapy induced photobiomodulation

In this book chapter, the current mechanisms of action and the related effects of FLE are reported.

Edge, D. et al. 2019. Fluorescent Light Energy: the future for treating inflammatory skin conditions?

The study aims at investigating the cellular mechanisms of action of FLE on key skin and immune cells. FLE serves both aesthetic and therapeutic purposes by modulating cutaneous inflammation, encouraging angiogenesis and enhancing collagen production.

Jalili, A. 2018. Chromophore gel-assisted phototherapy - A novel and promising photobiomodulation therapy for facial inflammatory skin diseases and skin aging

Explanatory article about the documented benefits of photobiomodulation and FLE. The article points the advantages in acne, skin rejuvenation, and its potential as an alternative therapeutic option to conventional therapies.

Russo, A. et al. 2021. Fluorescent Light Energy combined with systemic isotretinoin: a 52-week follow-up evaluating efficacy and safety in treatment of moderate-severe acne.

Description of the efficacy and safety of the combination of FLE with low-dose isotretinoin or tetracycline in cases of moderate to severe acne.

Koceva®, I. et al. 2019. Fluorescent Light Energy: A new therapeutic approach to effectively treating acne conglobata and hidradenitis suppurativa

The Kleresca® platform, utilising FLE, effectively treated both acne conglobata and hidradenitis suppurativa. FLE offers a new treatment approach to recalcitrant inflammatory skin conditions.

Mahendran, A. et al. 2018. Treatment of erlotinib-induced acneiform eruption with chromophore gel-assisted phototherapy

Case study of a 49-year-old patient suffering from acne eruption induced by erlotinib treatment. After trying different oral and systemic treatments, the use of Kleresca® Acne Treatment reduced notably the severity of her acne.

Nikolis, A. et al. 2018. An extension of a multicenter, randomized, split-face clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of chromophore gel-assisted blue light phototherapy for the treatment of acne

Extension trial to evaluate the efficacy of the FLE system as well as the duration of response. The study confirmed the long duration of effect following treatment as well as excellent patient safety profile.

Carrasco & Jimenez. 2018. Biophotonic therapy in acne treatments (book chapter in ‘Acne: new therapies and cosmetic treatments’)

Book chapter that explains the clinical experience in the use of Kleresca® FLE therapy for the treatment of acne patients. The document explains also the efficacy and the patient satisfaction obtained in the clinic.

Antoniou, C. et al. 2016. A multicenter, randomized, split-face clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of chromophore gel-assisted blue light phototherapy for the treatment of acne

12-week clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the FLE system in the treatment of moderate to severe acne vulgaris. The treatment was found to be efficacious and safe, with a sustained clinical response at 12 weeks for the management of moderate to severe facial inflammatory acne.

Wade, M. et al. 2021. Kleresca® biophotonic therapy with Fluorescent Light Energy decreases facial erythema, improves signs and symptoms of rosacea, and increases patient satisfaction: a postmarket study

In this post-market study, 9 patients with rosacea were treated with Kleresca® FLE. Patients reported a significant improvement in their condition.

Liu, R. C. et al. 2019. Treatment of granulomatous rosacea with chromophore gel-assisted phototherapy

Patient with a 3-month history of papulopustular eruption result of granulomatous rosacea. Modest improvement was observed with topical systemic treatments. After Kleresca®, there was a significant improvement and no relapse after 6 months it was finalized.

Sannino, M. et al. 2018. Fluorescent Light Energy: Treating rosacea subtypes 1, 2 and 3

Patients were treated with FLE in order to investigate the role in the treatment in targeting inflammation and erythema in rosacea subtypes 1, 2 and 3. Results proved FLE to be effective with an improvement in the skin texture of the patient.

Braun, S.A. et al. 2017. A photoconverter-gel assisted blue light therapy for the treatment of rosacea

Patient suffering from papulopustular rosacea receives FLE treatment. After 5 weeks, the patient showed a marked reduction of the inflammatory reaction and an overall improvement of the large-pored skin type.

Nikolis, A. et al. 2016 A randomized, placebo-controlled, single-blinded, split-faced clinical trial evaluating the efficacy and safety of KLOX-001 gel formulation with KLOX light-emitting diode light on facial rejuvenation

Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the skin rejuvenation treatment with FLE. The evaluation was done comparing skin biopsies and the increase of collagen from baseline.

Scarcella, G. et al. 2020. Effective removal of solar lentigines by combination of pre- and post- Fluorescent Light Energy treatment with picosecond laser treatment

Use of Kleresca® FLE treatment prior to the laser targeting of solar lentigines aids in the successful removal of the pigmented spots with one single laser session.

Gerber, P.A. et al. 2019. Biophotonic pre-treatment enhances the targeting of senile lentigines with a 694nm QS-Ruby laser

Combination of Kleresca® FLE to intensify and demask underlying solar lentigines before targeting with laser therapy. Kleresca® FLE successfully intensifies solar lentigines, preparing the skin before and rejuvenating it after more invasive therapies.

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Zago et al. 2020. Fluorescent Light Energy in wound healing: when is a photon something more?

The present study investigated the role of light polarization on biological effects of FLE, focusing on IL-6 expression from inflamed human dermal fibroblast (HDF) cells by using polarizing filters. The immunomodulatory impact of FLE was also investigated on a human ex vivo skin model.

Ferroni et al. 2020. Fluorescent Light Energy (FLE) acts on mitochondrial physiology improving wound healing

In this paper, the effect of FLE on mitochondrial homeostasis in an in vitro model of inflammation was investigated.

Scapagnini et al. 2019. Management of all three phases of wound healing through the induction of fluorescence biomodulation using Fluorescence Light Energy

An in vitro study on dermal human fibroblasts (DHFs) and an in vivo study on canine deep pyoderma (CDP) have been performed to better understand the FLE wound healing mechanism.

Mellergaard et al. 2020. Evaluation of Fluorescent Light Energy for the treatment of acute second-degree burns

In this study, the effect of FLE therapy in 18 patients with superficial and deep second-degree burns divided in 2 investigator-initiated trials (IITs) was evaluated. An ex vivo investigation on FLE wound healing mode on a human skin model was also performed.

Fogacci et al. 2018. The use of chromophore gel‐assisted blue light phototherapy (LumiHeal) for the treatment of surgical site infections in breast surgery

The case of a 39-year-old patient with a postoperative infection of the surgical wounds treated with Lumiheal as second-line therapy of lesions is reported with satisfactory results.

Dini et al. 2019. Biomodulation induced by Fluorescent Light Energy versus standard of care in venous leg ulcers: a retrospective study

Retrospective analysis of wound care data comparing 46 venous leg ulcers (VLU) patients treated with standard of care (SoC) in real-life conditions vs wounds of the EUREKA study with both FLE and SoC.

Romanelli et al. 2018. Evaluation of fluorescence biomodulation in the real‑life management of chronic wounds: the eureka trial

The aim of the EUREKA trial was to confirm the efficacy and safety of LumiHeal system in the treatment of chronic wounds such as VLUs, diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) and pressure ulcers (PUs).

Nikolis, Fauverghe et al. 2016. Evaluation of biophotonic therapy in a non-healing diabetic foot ulcer: a case report

In this case report, a 68-year-old male with a 10-year history of type 2 diabetes DFU case treated with Lumiheal system is described.

Nikolis, Grimard et al. 2016. A prospective case series evaluating the safety and efficacy of the Klox biophotonic system in venous leg ulcers

Open-label study design to investigate the safety and efficacy of the Lumiheal system in patients with VLUs is reported.

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