Myths about acne


Acne Myths

There is a lot said about acne, about what you should or shouldn’t do to get rid of the annoying pimples.
But many of the things that are said are actually just myths that have no scientific base.
Here is a list of some of them:

Sun helps: sun can be dangerous if there is an over exposure. Sun can create skin damage, making the skin dry and irritated, leading to more acne in the weeks following overexposure. You should not be afraid of sun but you should always protect your skin with a sunscreen that says noncomedogenic or nonacnegenic (it doesn’t clog pores).

No greasy foods: the scientific studies done in this area do not provide clear evidence to suggest that acne is caused by eating greasy foods. Even when latest studies seem to suggest a correlation between certain dairy products and glycemic food (the food that increases the amount of sugar in the blood) with acne, more research is needed in this area.

Clean your face: washing your face helps to remove dirt and excess of oil, but overwashing and scrubbing it can lead to dryness and irritation, causing more acne. Contrary to what you might believe, pores do not get blocked from the top down due to "dirt". What normally happens is that there is an overgrowth and clogging of the hair follicle, deep within the skin, starting acne formation.

Don’t wear makeup: you can wear makeup that is labelled as nonacnegenic or noncomedogenic, meaning that they don’t clog the pores. In case you have moderate to severe acne, please talk to your doctor or dermatologist about the best cosmetics to use.

It is just a teenage phase: acne often peaks in the teen years, but it can persist into adulthood. Adult acne is actually treated in the same way as it is in the teens.

Myths About Acne

Kleresca® Acne Treatment

If you struggle with acne, take comfort in the fact that it is not your fault. Acne is a disease, and Kleresca® Acne Treatment was created to help you.

We recommend you to ask a clinician for assistance to find the best solution for your condition.


Acne Treatment

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