FB Academy white papers
Una recopilación de informes en los que se explica el modo de acción de la FLE y las ventajas que comporta, diseñados específicamente para ampliar sus conocimientos.
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Changing dermatology through FLE
Discover the technology behind Kleresca® FLE. Offering non-invasive treatments for both therapeutic and aesthetic conditions using fluorescent light energy (FLE) to stimulate the skin’s own biological processes and repair mechanisms.
What is behind FLE technology?
Light comes in a variety of sizes, frequencies and energies in a continuum called the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. It moves in waves, and its size is measured as its wavelength, which is the distance between any two corresponding points on successive waves, usually peak to peak or trough to trough.
The mode of action of Kleresca® - The difference is in the fluorescence
Kleresca®’s mode of action is unique in the field of dermatology as it uses fluorescent light energy to stimulate the skin’s own repair mechanisms.
Inflammation: A key target in treating many skin conditions
Inflammation is a common issue in different skin conditions. This white paper explains the inflammatory process and also what are the effects of FLE on its treatment.
Angiogenesis: de-stressing rosacea affected skin in a non-invasive way
Angiogenesis is the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing ones. This white paper explains how the fluorescent light energy treatment stimulates the skin’s own repair mechanisms while promoting angiogenesis and how this benefits patients suffering from rosacea.
The role of human pigmentation and the Kleresca® bronzing effect
Have you ever wondered why people have different skin, hair, or eye colour? Learn more about the role of melanin and how human pigmentation works in this white paper.