Acne classification

Kleresca Acne Classification - Mild


• Main lesions are open and closed comedones (black and whiteheads)
• Mostly non-inflammatory lesions
• Papules and pustules may be present, but are small and few in number (generally < 10)
• The disease is limited to the face

Kleresca Acne Classification - Moderate


• Moderate numbers of papules and pustules (10-40)
• Open and closed comedones (10-40)
• The disease is limited to the face, but mild disease of the trunk may be present

Kleresca Acne Classification - Moderate Severe


• Numerous papules and pustules (40 – 100)
• Usually with many comedones (40 – 100)
• Occasional larger, deeper nodular inflamed lesions (up to 5)
• Widespread affected areas usually involving the face, chest and back

Kleresca Acne Classification - Severe


• Nodulocystic acne with many large, painful nodular or pustular lesions
• Many smaller papules, pustules and comedones
• Widespread affected areas usually involving the face, chest and back

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