FLE Teknologi
Den biofotoniske mekanisme henviser til samspillet mellem fotoner og biologiske processer, i dette tilfælde huden. Kleresca® tilbyder en teknologi, der er baseret på en helt ny metodik, hvor fluorescens spiller en væsentlig rolle.
Teknologien har været på markedet siden 2014.
Your private area
We have selected for our partners the best marketing materials to promote Kleresca® in clinic, website and social media channels.
Access Kleresca® PartnerNet to download your ready-to-use communication materials, images and videos, and educational resources.
Your private area
We have selected for our partners the best marketing materials to promote Kleresca® in clinic, website and social media channels.
Access Kleresca® PartnerNet to download your ready-to-use communication materials, images and videos, and educational resources.
Om Kleresca®
Hos Kleresca® stræber vi efter at nytænke hudbehandlinger generelt. Vores innovative lysteknologi stimulerer huden til at hele og forbedre sig selv.
Acne treatment
Treat both active acne and acne scarring with this gentle, non-systemic alternative to drugs and invasive procedures.
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Rosacea treatment
Treat redness, flushing, and pimples and obtain fast results. Leave your skin destressed and calm.
Skin rejuvenation
Induce collagen production up to 400% and stimulate the skin’s own rejuvenation process.